Religious Recognitions - All Scouts
The religious recognition programs on this page may be utilized by members (male of female) of various groups including: American Heritage Girls, Boy Scouts of America, Camp Fire, Catholic Youth Ministry, Girl Scouts of the USA, Junior Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Religious Education Classes, Scouts BSA, Venture Scouts or others as designated by the diocesan authorized administrators.
These awards are administered from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry:
www.nfcym.org/patches/ Workbooks can be ordered from the site.
An original workbook is required for ALL medals.
The God is Love, Family of God, and I Live My Faith medals can be completed with a parent.
The Mary, the First Disciple and Spirit Alive program must be completed with a trained advisor who is compliant with all JDCCS youth protection requirements. Please contact us if you require an advisor. If you cannot find an Adviser that is in your area, you, as a parent, may want to consider becoming an Adviser yourself. Online training can be found here: Training for Advisers.
It is the candidate’s responsibility to ensure that their Adviser/Counselor is trained. We cannot accept orders or completed application paperwork from untrained advisers/counselors. Please be sure and check the list first!
After completing all requirements in the program book, complete the medal application and collect all required signatures before sending in the order form.
Scouts completing all four medals in the series are eligible for the Pillars of Faith-Service to God award.
PLEASE KEEP A COPY OF YOUR APPLICATION FOR THE RECOGNITION BEFORE YOU MAIL IT IN. If you should need to order a replacement, if your original application is lost in the mail, or if you apply for the Pillars of Faith, you will have proof that you earned the medal. It is also a good idea to keep all completed workbooks, order forms and cards that come with the recognition, etc. in case it is requested from the diocese. We strive to keep accurate records but we are human volunteers so help us help you by keeping good records!
General Information
God is Love
The God Is Love program is designed for use with grades Kindergarten - 1 (grades K - 1 allowed). The program helps students discover an appreciation that God created, cares for, and loves us all. A companion to the God Is Love program, the prayer card invites children to embrace God's love for them and the world, and to share that love with others. Students earn this medal and/or patch by completing the God Is Love Catholic religious recognition program. The leader's guide is contained within the youth workbook and is designed to be worked on by a parent and their child. For more information go to: God Is Love
Family of God
Designed for grades 2 & 3, (grades 1 - 3 allowed), this bilingual (English/Spanish) program helps children discover the presence of God in their daily lives as members of their families and parish. Parents and guardians play an important role. The program is family oriented and an adviser just needs to: 1). Monitor to see the troop, group, or individual stay on track. 2). Arrange for the parish to identify a pastoral designate to review participant’s completed work. 3). Review each chapter according to an established schedule, before the final review with the pastoral designate. It is designed to be worked on by a parent and their child. For more information go to: Family of God
I Live My Faith
Designed for grades 4 - 6, (grades 3 - 6 allowed), this program is intended to help youth appreciate more deeply the place that God and religion occupy in their daily lives. Action-oriented activities help the individual focus on developing an awareness of her potential as a growing person, friend, family member, citizen, and a participant in the community of faith. It is designed to be worked on by a parent and their child. Use as a reference the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a guideline. It is online at www.usccb.org. For more information go to: I Live My Faith
Mary, the First Disciple
Designed for grades 7 - 10, (grades 7+ allowed), but older Scouts through age 20 may use this program. This program is written for young Catholics to assist them as they grow in appreciation of Mary and in understanding themselves. They will meet Mary in the Scriptures as a young teenager and follow her journey, as she becomes a woman and the Mother of God. This revised version of the Marian medal project book demonstrates the importance of Mary for all generations and cultures. Use the Catechism of the Catholic Church as a reference. Youth Updates for the St. Anthony Messenger Press are teen updates that aid in teaching young adults about their faith. The packet can be purchased at the site mentioned above. This program is designed to be worked on by an adviser and the youth participant(s). Marian resources and links are at: Marian Medal Resources. For more information go to: Mary, the First Disciple.
The Spirit Alive
Designed for grades 9 - 12, (grades 9+ allowed), but older Scouts through age 20 may use this program. This program is intended for Catholic youth in high school. It assists them in discovering how the Holy Spirit moves in their lives, calling them to a greater participation in the Church’s ministry. Resources and helps are found at: Spirit Alive Resources. Besides the above suggestions, there are two pages of references listed in the Mentor’s Handbook. This medal is 95% earned as an individual with the guidance of their mentor. It may take up to 3 ½ years to earn. This program is designed to be worked on by an adviser and the youth participant(s). For more information go to: The Spirit Alive
This award must be completed with a trained advisor. Please order the leader guide.
Pillars of Faith - Service to God
This is awarded to those youth (Boys or Girls) who have earned ALL four of the Catholic Religious medals: Family of God, I Live My Faith, Mary, the First Disciple, and The Spirit Alive. The recognition consists of a golden pin which can be worn on the Scout uniform or as a lapel pin on non-Scout clothing. This is a SPECIAL recognition and as such it is ONLY awarded once a year, at the Annual Religious Recognitions Mass & Ceremony. Eligible youth should complete pages 2 & 3 of the application before their 21st birthday and forward it to the Joliet Diocese Catholic Committee on Scouting at the address on the application. Click Here for Application
Past Recipients
Pillars of Faith-Service to God
2021 Abigail White
2020 Alicia Shanahan
2019 Madelynn Zeller
2019 Rebekah Vires
Advisers and Parents should know the above information and the information in the participant workbook and guide.